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Eco Consciousness
We are immensely proud to announce that we have won our first Bandeira Verde do Ambiente (Green Flag). This remarkable achievement is the result of the tireless efforts of our eco delegates, the eco committee—including students, parents, and members of the Redbridge team—who have worked collaboratively to foster a more sustainable and eco-conscious community.
Our journey began in 2022 when Redbridge International School entered the Eco-Schools accreditation process. During the 2023/2024 academic year, we conducted a thorough diagnosis of our environmental practices and identified key areas for improvement. Through the combined efforts of students, faculty, staff, and parents, we developed and implemented a comprehensive action plan with the goal of achieving this prestigious recognition.
As we celebrate this milestone, we look ahead to the 2024/2025 academic year with a renewed sense of purpose.
Our commitment to sustainability is unwavering. At Redbridge International School, we believe in instilling a deep sense of environmental responsibility in our students, empowering them to become future stewards of our planet. Together, we continue to make a positive impact and set a strong example of what it means to be an eco-conscious school.

Here are some of the exciting projects we’ve been involved in:

Central to our eco-conscious aspirations is the active involvement of our students.
We firmly believe in empowering our future leaders to champion sustainability initiatives within our school community. To this end, we have elected eco-delegates from Year 4 (4.º Ano/CM1) to Year 9 (3ème), who advocate for eco-friendly practices and raise awareness about the importance of being an eco school.
These dedicated eco-delegates serve as ambassadors of sustainability, inspiring their peers to embrace environmentally responsible behaviours and actively participate in the various eco-friendly activities and initiatives implemented at Redbridge International School.
Through our ongoing commitment to sustainability education, collaborative action, and student leadership, we are proud to foster a culture of environmental consciousness at Redbridge International School. Together, we are making a difference today for a greener and more sustainable tomorrow.

Bird Watching During Forest School Outing with Year 4 (4º Ano / CM1 Students) in Partnership with Sociedade Portuguesa Para o Estudo das Aves.
On the 2nd May 2024, the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) organised a bird watching session in Monsanto as part of a Forest School outing. The event, titled “Portuguese Birds and Their Habitats,” introduced Year 4 students to local bird species, their characteristics, and the trees they inhabit.
Guided by biologist Carolina B. from SPEA, the students used binoculars to identify various birds and their habitats. They then drew and illustrated the birds and trees they observed. SPEA also provided magnifying glasses for a detailed exploration of the environment.
Our Redbridge Forest School teacher Sabine used a short story and theatrical techniques to discuss migratory birds and the impact of climate change on their habitats and life cycles, using the presence of swallows in the area as an example.

Our Year 8 Students Embarked on a Culinary Journey to Create an Eco Mediterranean Menu.
Our Year 8 students embarked on a culinary journey to create an Eco Mediterranean Menu. They proposed dishes using sustainable ingredients, carefully considering seasonal availability and dietary restrictions.
After a school-wide vote, the winning menu was introduced in our canteen. This initiative not only promoted healthy eating but also educated our students on the importance of sustainable food practices.
The new menu has been a hit among students and staff alike, bringing a fresh and eco-friendly twist to our daily meals.

While we didn’t initially start with a full vegetable garden, our small aromatic garden project has blossomed into a successful venture.
Under the guidance of Angela, our project leader, and Karen, our head chef, students from Early Years to Secondary School actively participated in planting and maintaining a variety of aromatic herbs and vegetables.
This hands-on experience has sparked a keen interest in gardening among our students and has provided fresh produce for our kitchen. The project continues to grow, showing great promise for a more extensive vegetable garden in the future.

Our Noise Brigade undertook the task of measuring noise levels within the school, particularly in the canteen.
The findings revealed that the noise level was comparable to the bustling sounds of a busy street. This project highlighted the importance of noise pollution awareness and paved the way for implementing strategies to create a quieter, more conducive learning environment.

Healthy Food Policy
Our school enforces a food policy that prohibits nuts, fried foods, pork, and processed foods. Sugar and salt are restricted, and gluten-free, lactose-free, vegetarian, and vegan options are always available at lunch and snack times. There are no bar services or vending machines, and the espresso machine is for teachers and staff only.
Canteen Brigade Efforts
The Canteen Brigade analysed food waste by weighing organic waste at the end of each menu cycle. They identified meal types and nutritional profiles, finding that pasta and meat dishes are the most consumed, while vegetarian options are the least.
To minimise food waste, we presented the data at a Primary School Assembly. After the Easter holidays, the presence of a monitor near the bin encouraged students to finish their meals.
We also raised awareness of proper portion sizes, with canteen staff asking students how much food they want.

Our Early Years students launched the Edding Challenge by creating a poster to highlight the importance of recycling felt-tip pens and showing the location of the Edding Return Box.
The poster features pens as superheroes with capes, flying towards the Return Box, under the message “Vamos ajudar o Planeta” (Let’s help the Planet) and the slogan “Façam as canetas voar. Vamos todos reciclar” (Make the pens fly, Let’s all recycle).
The children brainstormed ideas, with one suggesting the superhero theme and another adding capes. They took photos of the Return Box location and decorated the poster with stamps and capes.
Initially, the Return Box was at the school reception, but younger students had difficulty reaching it due to the school’s layout. To solve this, we created multiple return points using recycled chickpea tins from the kitchen.
Each tin was labelled with a photo of the Return Box and the Early Years poster. These tins rotated between classrooms daily, and when full, students would bring the pens to the main Return Box at reception.
Many pens were returned, making this challenge a school wide success!
Notebooks for EY
from Year 3 students

As part of our ongoing commitment to being an eco-school, our amazing Year 3 (3º ano) students embarked on a creative and sustainable project!
They gathered scrap paper from classrooms throughout the primary years building and transformed it into beautiful, handmade booklets.
These booklets were then shared with the Early Years students, creating a heartwarming moment of connection and joy. Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces was truly magical!
This project not only promoted recycling and creativity but also fostered a sense of community and generosity among our students. We are so proud of their efforts and the positive impact they are making on our school environment.
a Tree

On a chilly winter day, our Year 3 (3.º Ano/CE2) students ventured into the heart of the Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais for a forest school day.
They planted trees to support local biodiversity and native forestation. This hands-on experience taught our students the importance of preserving natural habitats and contributed to the conservation of our beautiful local environment.
Beach Clean Up
with Erasmus +

In April, as part of the Erasmus+ project, we had the pleasure of welcoming students from IES Álvaro de Mendaña, Spain!
During the week, our Year 8 students and IES students joined forces at Carcavelos beach for a beach clean-up. Together, we collected trash found along the shore and turned it into powerful art pieces!
From creating stunning birds and fish to constructing a symbolic toilet with a drainpipe full of used cigarette butts and cotton buds, our students highlighted the critical message: “The Sea Starts Here.” Looking into the toilet, viewers saw algae and marine animals, emphasizing the impact of pollution on marine life.
Our school corridor now proudly displays this incredible exhibition, thanks to the collaborative efforts of our eco-delegates, who decorated the walls with waves made from waste, and eco-volunteers.