
As our school continues to grow with our students, we are looking for new members to join our educational team.

We are searching for compassionate, engaged, knowledgeable, and thoughtful practitioners that share our vision, are enthusiastic about working in a inclusive school setting with a personalized approach, and have an extensive understanding of how students learn.

Send us your CV and Cover Letter to [email protected] with the reference of the job position you are applying to.

We are currently recruiting for the following positions:

Please send us your CV and Cover Letter to [email protected] with the REF: COVER

  • Titulaire du CRPE;
  • Expérience de 5 ans minimum dans un poste similaire;
  • Expérience sur le cycle 3;
  • Intérêt prononcé pour les pédagogies nouvelles et le travail d’équipe;
  • Ouverture d’esprit, créativité, proactivité et bienveillance;
  • Très bon niveau d’anglais (minimum B2);
  • Une 3ème langue est un atout.


  • Holder of the CRPE;
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in a similar position;
  • Experience with Cycle 3;
  • Strong interest in innovative teaching methods and teamwork;
  • Open-minded, creative, proactive, and kind;
  • Very good level of English (minimum B2);
  • A third language is an asset.
  • Professor/a de 1.º ciclo, com mínimo de 5 anos de experiência de ensino;
  • Experiência ou sólidos conhecimentos da abordagem e das ferramentas do MEM;
  • Bom relacionamento interpessoal e de comunicação, e com gosto de interagir com alunos, funcionários e famílias de diversas origens;
  • Capacidade de trabalhar em equipa num ambiente colaborativo;
  • Essencial proficiência em inglês (falado e escrito) | B2 min;
  • Ref: PYPT1C

Please send us your CV and Cover Letter to [email protected] with the REF: EYTA

  • Titulaire du CAPES ou équivalent, disposant d’une expérience de 10 ans minimum;
  • Intérêt prononcé pour les pédagogies nouvelles et le travail d’équipe, ouverture d’esprit, créativité, pro-activité et bienveillance;
  • Très bon niveau d’anglais, une 3ème langue est un atout.
  • Prise de fonction fin Aout 2024
  • Holder of the CAPES (French Certificate for Teaching in Secondary School) or equivalent, with a minimum of 10 years of experience;
  • Strong interest in innovative teaching methods and teamwork, open-mindedness, creativity, proactivity, and kindness;
  • Bilingual (French-English), a third language is an asset.
  • Position starts at the end of August 2024.
  • Reception duties
  • Administrative support
  • Parental communication
  • Trips and events support
  • Friendly, approachable, and professional demeanor.
  • Good command of written and spoken English and Portuguese or French

"All children start their school careers with sparkling imaginations, fertile minds, and a willingness to take risks with what they think.”

— Sir Ken Robinson