Multilingual and Multicultural Environment

A Vibrant International Community






of our children are advanced/native in 2 or more languages


Different nationalities

American, Angolan, Argentinean, Australian, Belgium, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Colombian, Danish, French, German, Hungarian, Israelie, Italian, Lebanese, Mexican, Morroccan, Phillipine, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Servia, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese.


Languages spoken

Arabic, Armenian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Lebanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Servian, Spanish, Swedish, Vietnamese.

A multicultural team

A team of 80 representing 16 nationalities: French, Portuguese, South African, British, Scottish, Irish, Mexican, American, Hindi, Finish, Greek, Canadian, Israeli, Belgian, Columbian, Brazilian. More than 80% of our teaching staff have had one or more teaching experiences abroad.

Promoting international mindedness

- Initial Learning through Inquiry Project - Myself and Others - discovering the class and school community and developing cultural awareness;
- Celebrations of traditional cultural festivals around the world (Diwali, Chinese New Year, Santa Lucia ...);
- Promotion of Portuguese and French culture, celebration of national holidays, school trips to local museums, Cross-over lessons and projects bringing classes from different sections together.