Last year, our talented students had the incredible opportunity to produce a short film titled The Teleporter, directed by one of our very own parents. This exciting film follows the journey of a student who is unexpectedly teleported into another universe—a thrilling concept that brought both fun and creativity to the filming process.

We were thrilled when, back in May, The Teleporter was accepted into the Gloucester Film Festival, where it competed for Best Kids Film—a prestigious recognition at a festival renowned for celebrating thought-provoking and imaginative works.

And now, we are beyond excited to announce that The Teleporter has won an award at the MegaFlix Festival in the UK! To add to the excitement, the film is also screening this week at the Brooklyn Sci-Fi Film Festival in New York City.

A huge congratulations to everyone involved in this project—our talented actors, the dedicated director, the hard-working crew, and the amazing support teams. Bravo to all! We look forward to seeing where this fantastic journey takes you next.

Watch it here –»